Penile Implants Treatment - Burlington, North Carolina

Aug 20, 2020


Welcome to Greater Carolinas Womens Center, your trusted medical center in Burlington, North Carolina, offering state-of-the-art penile implants treatment for individuals seeking to regain their sexual confidence and overcome erectile dysfunction.

Understanding Penile Implants

Penile implants, also referred to as penile prosthesis, are advanced medical devices designed to help men achieve and maintain an erection. This revolutionary treatment option provides a long-lasting solution for individuals who have not found success with other non-invasive treatments such as medications, vacuum erection devices, or penile injections.

At Greater Carolinas Womens Center, we offer various types of penile implants, including inflatable penile implants and malleable penile implants. Our experienced and skilled team of medical professionals will guide you through the selection process to identify the most suitable option for your unique needs and preferences.

The Benefits of Penile Implants

Penile implants offer numerous benefits for individuals experiencing erectile dysfunction. Some of these benefits include:

  • Regained Sexual Function: Penile implants provide the ability to achieve and sustain an erection, restoring sexual function and intimacy.
  • Improved Quality of Life: With restored sexual function, individuals often experience a significant improvement in their overall quality of life, resulting in enhanced self-esteem and confidence.
  • Increased Convenience: Unlike other treatment options that require planning or administration before intercourse, penile implants allow for spontaneity and a more natural sexual experience.
  • Greater Satisfaction: Many patients report high levels of satisfaction with penile implants, as they offer a reliable and predictable method of achieving and maintaining an erection.
  • Minimal Side Effects: Penile implants are typically safe, with minimal side effects. Our medical professionals will provide detailed information regarding potential risks and address any concerns you may have during the consultation.

The Penile Implants Procedure

At Greater Carolinas Womens Center, we understand that undergoing any medical procedure can be a big decision. That's why we ensure a comprehensive and personalized approach throughout your penile implants treatment journey. Here's an overview of the procedure:

Consultation and Evaluation

During your initial consultation, our expert medical team will review your medical history, conduct a thorough physical examination, and discuss your goals and expectations. We will explain the penile implant options available, their benefits, and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Surgical Placement of the Penile Implant

Once you have made an informed decision to proceed with penile implants, our skilled surgeons will perform the surgical procedure. The placement of the implant is conducted under anesthesia to ensure a comfortable experience. Our surgeons have extensive experience in performing penile implant surgeries and prioritize patient safety and satisfaction.

Recovery and Follow-Up Care

After the procedure, you will receive comprehensive post-operative instructions to aid in the healing process. Our medical team will provide guidance on wound care, medication management, and the resumption of sexual activity. We encourage regular follow-up visits to monitor your progress, address any concerns, and ensure optimal results.


If you are looking for a trusted medical center in Burlington, North Carolina, that specializes in penile implants treatment, Greater Carolinas Womens Center is your destination. Our experienced team, advanced technology, and personalized care approach ensure that you receive the highest quality treatment possible. Regain your sexual confidence and enhance your overall well-being with our expert penile implants treatment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Debbie Mai
That's great, thanks for sharing.
Oct 18, 2023